I am the proud owner of a Honda e (called "Totoro" for its cute chubbiness) for 10 weeks now and I am very happy with it. Have been driving it around 3500 km, and no range anxiety so far.

There are just two slight niggles that I have, and I wonder if anyone has an idea what the cause might be or how it can be fixed, or whether others here have noticed these "phenomena", too:
1.) Whenever the brake lights turn on, either explicitly by stepping on the brake pedal or implicitly when the car starts recuperation, I can hear a soft but clearly audible clicking sound. The dealer suspected the brake light switch, but this does not explain why the sound is also audible when the brake lights turn on automatically, i.e. without stepping on the brake pedal. The sound is not always there, but most of the time. Also funny: There is no sound when the brake lights turn off, only when they turn on. In the end, the dealer considered the sound normal because their test car had it, too.
2.) I can feel an ever so slight vibration in my feet when driving. I can feel it in the left foot on the foot rest as well as in the right foot on the accelerator, and my sister could even feel it in the codriver's legroom. I have to admit that I am very sensitive and that there are people (including my unfortunate dealer

I'd appreciate any input, including remarks as "Then turn the radio up and don't drive with shoes!"

Best wishes from Germany, Matthias.