Roof Glass - Replacement

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Post by bossjohnc »

So, our neighbours are having a loft conversion. I looked out on to the roof of the car yesterday to see what I thought was smeared bird poo on the back of the roof... If only that were the case:


:cry: :cry: :cry:

It looks like lots of dust isn't the only thing falling from the site.

Builder is not currently admitting anything, but not denying either. We have Ring footage of someone cleaning up some debris, it would seem immediately after it happened.

I went to Honda this afternoon for a quote. They have never done roof glass before, and think they'll need to pretty much dismantle everything (roof lining, windscreen, etc), and cost will be eyewatering.

Has anyone else had the misfortune of needing this done?
Last edited by bossjohnc on Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:00 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by londiniumperson »

:o That’s bad news, hopefully it’ll end well for you.

Legally the builder must have liability insurance to cover incidents just like this.
If you can’t finger the builder, I wonder if glass insurance cover will pay for this because I can’t see this being a quick and cheap repair. I ask because only just last week I renewed my insurance and made sure I had windscreen cover because I was concerned about the possibility of a high cost of its repair, I didn’t consider damage to the roof.

Also I can’t see your misfortune as the image is blank, though I’m not sure that I actually want see it.
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Post by bossjohnc »

Hopefully you can see it now...?

They have public liability insurance, but as nobody witnessed it they're being a bit coy and don't want to admit anything. I get that though, as a business owner (and a driver) who has insurance, there is a certain responsibility to not commit to liability without a conversation.

Quote came in just north of £5k. I don't think glass repair will cover that!
Deleted User 473

Post by Deleted User 473 »

Ouch - might be worth me checking the small print on my insurers glass cover, as you say unlikely to be covered under their terms, leaving you now with the leg work of trying to reclaim it via the builders.

Sorry to see an 'e' in distress :cry:
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Post by flameshretoos »

If the builder refuses to take responsibility, you may have to consider legal action. Consult a lawyer to understand your options and how best to proceed. Depending on the cost of repairs and local laws, you may be able to go to small claims court. You should realize that insurance claim processing is not always quick, especially if you are doing it yourself. It's good to have guys who can help solve such issues for you.
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