Garenio wrote: ↑Fri May 06, 2022 10:07 am
Once the glass shatters its loses its rigidity which is why the back part collapses in. Mine was definitely from a stone or some impact but at first I thought it must have been vandalised. I just wonder if there’s anything that can been done to protect it in the future once it’s been fixed?
Sorry for the silence folks, not logged on in ages. Yes Gorenio, the damage on your pics is pretty much identical but I really don’t think it was from an impact. My pics were taken about a week after it happened so the cracks progressed more and more as I was opening and closing the lid to charge. It didn’t look like that at first…just very faint hairline cracks evenly dispersed with no obvious starting point.
It must have happened as it was parked over night as I would have seen it otherwise upon parking up when getting home to charge…I charge it everyday (obvs haha!)
There were no other dents or marks on the bonnet which would indicate something had struck it and it’s parked off road where there’s no passers by.
I honestly think it’s just shattered from basic use of opening and closing and most certainly not with excessive force…and therefor is not fit for purpose….it’s a charge lid designed to be opened and closed and it obviously can’t hack it.
I actually think more and more of these cases will emerge.
I could get over it if not for the fact the part was over £1000…and that’s coming from Honda direct, not a dealer hiking up on top. It took ten mins to fix. It’s pretty disgusting they can charge that money and it doesn’t bode well for future repair costs. I’m in warranty period FFS and their customer service lady had zero interest on the phone, just the trained robotic responses repeated off a script to deny fault.
…I’ve saw elsewhere on this forum of eye watering cost to replace windscreen (I guess because of those wriggly line things).
My cars been in twice for door handles not popping out which HAS been covered by warranty BUT once out of warranty I believe those costs would be around £500…and you just know 100% it’s going to be a reoccurring fault long after 3-years has elapsed (hands up who’s handles aren’t popping out correctly???)
Love driving the Honda but livid at Honda central customer service (not my local dealer) and not looking forward to silly amounts of money to fix minor things…
Rant over sorry!!!