I have a set of 150 watt FOCAL + 250watt FOCAL sub with DSP in my CLA and want to make similar changes to the Honda.

The sound is not bad, only missing crispness and punch (both are normal in what comes with most cars).
[TOPIC UPDATE 23/06/2020]
Some observations.
They say six speakers 180watt in the base model... (" while the Honda e Advance 376 + centre + sub") 1 centre + 1 sub + and 2-way stereo in each front door so 4, making the total 6 already.The Honda e comes with a six-speaker 180-watt sound system, while the Honda e Advance receives an upgraded 376-watt premium audio system, with an external amp, 75-watt subwoofer located under the rear seat, and 45-watt centre speaker added as one of eight speakers for additional sound depth.
https://hondanews.eu/eu/et/cars/media/p ... honda-e-33
One would think from the description that there are 6 speakers and the advance gets the watt increase + centre + sub, making the total 8.
These advertized numbers are all max watts. RMS usually is 50% of that, so:
376W/2= 188W RMS TOTAL
75W/2= 40W+-RMS (SUB)
45W/2=20+- RMS (CENTRE)
You have to subtract centre + sub from those totals
188w - 60w = 128 watts split between the two front doors. So.. 64w/door.
No wonder I thought this was a weak system after hearing it.